News and Event | National Conference – 2024
National Conference – 2024
News Type : General News
Department : Pediatric Nursing
National conference on Healing tomorrow’s heroes: Innovation in childhood cancer care was conducted on
25th November 2024, Lecturer hall 4, RRMCH. The programme was inaugurated by Dr.B.Sathyamurthy, Dean of RRMCH and Dr. Praveen Kumar, Medical superintendent of RRMCH, Resource persons and Principal of RRCN. The theme of the conference was disclosed by Dr. Umadevi A K Principal, RRCN followed by the sessions were by the experienced resource persons. The speakers of the conference are Dr.intezar Mehdi, MBBS, MD, MRCPCH, FRCPCH, Directo,r HCG Hospital Bangalore. Dr.Prasanna Kumari, Hod. Dept. of cytogenetic, Kidwai memorial institute of oncology, Bangalore. Dr.Sumanth T.P, MBBS, MD, Dept. of psychiatric from RRMCH. Dr. Prema R MBBS, MD, Dept. of paediatric from RRMCH. Mrs. Regupriya M, Nursing officer, PhD Scholar, ESCI hospital, Bangalore. Dr. P.K.Savitha, Assistant professor , Kidwai College of nursing, Bangalore and Mrs. Usha P, Dietician from RRMCH. Dr. P.K.Savitha, Assistant professor, Kidwai College of nursing, Bangalore was appointed as a observer from KNC. Around 225 delegates were registered, and they all participated actively. Conference was completed at 4:30 pm, followed by valedictory started at 4:30 pm and the session completed with report reading and Vote of thanks.