B.Sc Nursing (Post Basic)
Duration : 2 years,
Number of Seats : 60
Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore
Course Overview
It is also an undergraduate programme for those who have undergone the diploma in general nursing and midwifery course, and already providing their nursing services in hospital, health centers and public health setting to get an opportunities degree in nursing. The course is specifically directed to the upgrading of critical thinking skills, competencies and request for practice of professional nursing and midwifery.
The course is intended to enable the graduates:-
- To assume responsibilities as professional, competent nurse and midwives at basic level in providing promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitation services to individual in need
- To make independent decision in nursing situations, protect the rights of individual client and facilitate individual and groups to pursuit of health, function in the hospital, community health nursing services, and conduct research studies in the areas of nursing practice. They are also expected to assume the role of teacher, supervisor and manager in clinical/ public health settings.
A Candidate Seeking Admission Must :
- Hold a diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM)
- Be a registered nurse
- Have passed pre university examination in arts/science/commerce conducted by Department of Pre University Education, Karnataka State or its equivalent recognized by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences.
- Have working knowledge of English
- Be medically fir
- Have good personal and professional record.
Age :
No candidate who is above 48 years of age on31st December of the year of admission shall be eligible.
Duration of the Study :
The course of study shall be for two academic years from the date of commencement of term notified by the university
Medium of Instruction :
English shall be the medium for the course as well as for the examination
Calendar of Events for 2018-19
- List Of Subjects - Ist Year
- Nursing Foundation
- Nutrition & Dietetics
- Biochemistry & Biophysics
- psychology
- Microbiology
- Maternal Nursing
- Child Health Nursing
- Medical & Surgical Nursing
- English(Qualifying)
- List Of Subjects - 2nd Year
- Sociology
- Community Health Nursing
- Mental Health Nursing
- Introduction to Nursing Education
- Introduction to Nursing Administration
- Introduction to Nursing Research & Statistics
- Note :
- Teaching of Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology and Pathology will be integrated with clinical subjects.
- English is a qualifying subject
- Introduction to Nursing Research and Statistics is a subsidiary subject.
Other Details
- Attendance
- A Minimum of not less than 80% attendance in theory and practical / clinical separately in each subject in each academic year is essential for appearing in the examination. A candidate pursuing in the course shall study in the college for the entire period as a full time student. No candidate is permitted to work in a hospital / nursing home / laboratory / college while studying this course. No candidate should join any other course of study or appear for any other examination conducted by this university or any other university in India or abroad during the period of registration. Each academic year shall be taken as a unit for calculating the attendance.
- Internal assessment
- Regular periodic assessment shall be conducted throughout the course. Although the question of number of tests is left to the institution at least three tests in theory and practical each year be held. The test preceding the university examination may be similar to the pattern of university examination. Average of the marks of three tests for theory and practical separately shall be sent to the university.
- A candidate shall secure not less than 50% of marks prescribed for internal assessment in theory and not less than 50% marks prescribed in practical, separately, in each subject/paper to be eligible to appear in the university examination.
- Schedule of examination
- The university shall conduct two examinations annually at an interval of not less than 4 to 6 months as notified by the university from time to time. A candidate who satisfies the requirement of attendance. Progress and conduct as stipulated by the university shall be eligible to appear for the university examination. Certificate to that effect shall be produced from the head of the institution along with the application for examination and the prescribed fee.
- All practical examinations must be held in the respective clinical areas.
- Criteria for pass
- A candidate has to fulfill the following criteria
- Shall pass in both internal and university examination separately vide Indian nursing circular No. 12-2/90-INC dated 16.01.1991
- Shall secured not less than 50% of maximum marks prescribed for internal assessment in theory and not less than 50% of marks prescribed for internal assessment in practical, separately, in each paper and shall secure in each paper not less than 50% of maximum marks prescribed in the University Examination for theory and not less than 50% of marks prescribed for practical in the university examination separately.
- However, for a pass in English paper, a candidate shall secure not less than 40% of maximum prescribed marks in theory and 40% of maximum prescribed marks in internal assessment.