Psychiatric (Mental Health) Nursing

Department Overview

The department of Psychiatric Nursing aims to impart quality education in the field of Mental Health Nursing to Diploma, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Nursing students providing quality care in the areas of Preventive, Promotive, Curative and Rehabilitative aspects of Mental Health nursing.

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This course will help the students to build in depth knowledge of psychiatric nursing, various therapeutic modalities used in the field of psychiatry and role of the nurse. To appreciate latest trends and identify researchable area in the field of psychiatric nursing and utilize research findings in their practice.

Objectives of the Department:

  • Develop a positive attitude in the care of mentally ill patients
  • Develop a skill in history taking and Mental Status Examination
  • Develop communication skills
  • Give the highest quality of care by applying psychiatric nursing approach
  • Collaborate and coordinate with the multidisciplinary team in the hospital and in the community for the promotion of mental health
  • Create awareness about the problems of individuals at different developmental stages
  • Provide preventive, promotive and rehabilitative care to mentally ill client in the hospitals and in the community.

Other Activities

  • Observation of World Mental Health Day, World Suicide Prevention Day and World Alzheimer’s Day
  • Regular Outreach programmes in the schools and community
  • Regular Continuing Nursing Education for departmental faculty
  • Attending professional development programmes

Head Of Department


Professor & HOD




3 May 2024
Breathing Exercises and Muscle Relaxation Technique
Teaching breathing exercises and Muscle relaxation technique for Psychiatric patients by III year BSc nursing students at Cadabams Rehabilitation centre
3 May 2024
Education on benefits of exercises
Education on benefits of exercises for Psychiatric patients by III year BSc nursing students
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Lab Facilities