Community Health Nursing

Department Overview

The role of Nursing is increasingly becoming complex and nurses need more knowledge and skills .today they must be able to grow and evolve in order to meet the demands of a dramatically changing health care system. Health care has moved increasingly from hospital to the home and community. Community health nursing needs skill in technology, communication and interpersonal relations to be effective members of the collaborative health care team. They need to think critically and be creative in implementing nursing strategies with clients in verities of community settings.

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It is fact that social, physical and cultural aspects have major influence on an individual’s health status. The social environment is important since social problems and social support directly related to the physical and mental illness.

Nurses and all health professionals must actively consider the influence of the community on the health status of the patient.


The purposes of community health is to help people attain greater levels of health and wellbeing through its various programmes,

  1. To ascertain the nature and extent of disease and disability in community
  2. To take suitable measure to-
    • Promote healthful living
    • Prevent disabilities
    • Correct remedial defects
    • Treat illness, and
    • Rehabilitate those with handicaps
  3. To evaluate the progress and success of current programmes
  4. To conduct research into community causes and diseases and investigate through research, improved methods and techniques
  5. To provide the necessary organization of medical care, health care, nursing care required to deal with community ill health
  6. To educate the public in prevention of health hazards in the best use of medico social measures and appropriate technology

Functions and Activities

It’s important to know about the modern concepts of community health and welfare

  1. Health education
  2. Dietary practices, good sanitation
  3. Environmental sanitation
  4. Code of conduct
  5. Self discipline
  6. Civic and spiritual values
  7. Increasing average span of human life
  8. Decreasing the mortality rate, particularly infant mortality rate, maternal mortality rate
  9. Decreasing morbidity rate
  10. Increasing the physical mental, and social well-being individual
  11. Increasing the pace of adjustment of the individual to his environment
  12. Providing total health care to enrich quality of life


Lab Facilities

Community lab is about offering community organizing training, for students. Our goal is to help and build grassroots power and hope in students and training them in the skills they need to strengthen their community nursing techniques. Community lab which his adequately filled with community bags, communicable disease flash cards and non communicable disease chart boards and it also contains about dummies representing the gynecological procedures and we have charts which represents water treatment and other national health programme. We have three computers with internet connection to know about the latest update of government schemes and we have separate community library with articles and journals for students.