Women’s Day Celebration 2019
News Type : General News
International Women’s Day is celebrated globally on 8 March every year in honour of their remarkable contribution to our society. The day also, commemorates the inspiring role of women around the world to secure women’s rights and build more equitable societies. Rajarajeswari Group of Institution is also celebrating the “International Women’s Day†by conducting Inter Collegiate Sports “RRGI’s WOMENS PREMIER LEAGE – WPL†Bangalore Zone Women’s Sports Tournament. Rajarajeswari Group of Institutions are conducting Awareness and Hygiene programs like: Good Touch and Bad Touch awareness for school students by Rajarajeswari College of Nursing Distribution of sanitary napkins and Personal Hygiene by Rajarajeswari Dental College and Hospital Dental Hygiene for villagers by Rajarajeswari Dental College and Hospital Breast & Cervical Cancer Awareness program and screening by Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital Distribution of Purple Ribbons for all the women for women empowerment at Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital Campus. Nutrition and Fitness (Aerobics) sessions and many more women oriented programs have been organised by RRGI group of Institutions. ALL THE WOMEN STAFF FROM THE MEDICAL, DENTAL, ENGINEERING, NURSING AND PHHYSIOTHERAPY COLLEGES IN BANGALORE ARE REQUESTED TO TAKE PART AND MAKE THIS CELEBRATION A GRAND SUCSESS.
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