Self Awareness on occasion of Self Harm Awareness week celebration
News Type : General News
Department : Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
Department – Psychiatric (Mental Health) Nursing
Organizers: Mr. Dhanpal, Professor Dr. Shamili Kowshik, Associate Professor Ms. Sunaina Priyanka Minz, Lecturer
Performers: III B.Sc Nursing Students
Date: 19-03-2022
Time: 10 Am to 12 Pm
Venue: Kadamba Hall, RRMCH Auditorium
A Psychodrama was performed on self harm awareness by III B.Sc Nursing Students which was organized by Mr. Dhanpal, Professor, HOD of Psychiatric Nursing, Dr. Shamili Kowshik, Associate Professor & Ms. Sunaina Priyanka Minz, Lecturer. Dr. Vishnuvardhan, HOD of Psychiatry, RRMCH was the chief guest. It was started at 10:Am. Around 282 students i.e., 1st year B.Sc Nursing, 1st year GNM, 2nd year GNM & 3rd year B.Sc nursing students attended the programme. And also PG Medical students of Psychiatry department attended programme along with nursing department faculties. The programme mainly focused on self awareness (Johari’s Window).